at last, i can actually get the wireless connection inside my own room.. now i can really update my blog, do some research and owh, i can check my friendster and facebook! my life has never been this great before, hahahahh! by the way, i just got back from kajang.. its nice to go back home, i can actually eat a lot of things at home since semua orang ada lagi kat umah.. pape pun semalam makan nasi ayam, today makan nasi lemak and nasi tomato.. tomorrow lak kat kolej ada nasi beriyani.. owh, heaven! tapi kan, nanti gemuk dah tak lawa =( takpe2, i'm gonna eat healthy + moderate jek since sekarang ni me makin kurus.. yeyey! and yes, nanti leh la start belaja sungguh2.. starts from omorrow onwards since lecturer lower plants bitau semalam sape2 yang perform better kat dalam kelas, akan dapat additional marks.. i need to score every single marks that i can collect =) and semalam mama ada ajar baca doa permudahkan pelajaran.. nak amalkan selalu..
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