March 10, 2009

stars of za'ba =p

date : 3rd of March 2009

day : Tuesday

place : dewan nucleus, KK7

i was the mc for the night of stars of za'ba. it was event, handled by Yam as the director of the project. it's a singing competition whereby the contestants are from our college itself. my partner in crime was Izzat! we had to be the mc, singing live in front of others (sebab de quiz) and handled students yang bising2 cam tak sedar diri (hmm, i wonder which group are they??) - nak je sebut tapi kang controversy lak. event malam tu best tapi kan yang tak best nye bila group lelaki2 itu meng-anjing orang lain menyanyi and tak respect others tapi kan bila kawan2 diorg nyanyi cam hampeh, terus diam. hahahha! itu lah orang kata, anjing ni kuat betul la menyalak. tapi bila dah malu sendiri, terus diam. memang cam menggelabah gak la =p pape pun, malam tu sepatutnya habis awal tapi sebab2 masalah teknikal, habis lambat giler. tapi best jadi mc! pastu dapat offer lagi jadi mc untuk pertandingan mewarna kanak2 under kaunseling kanak2 tapi sebab clash dengan fieldwork, tak dapat nak jadi =( pape pun ida, you have already earned 1 point dalam pengalaman hidup!

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