well, i was thinking about what life would be after graduating next year from um. unfortunately, for me, i have good PR skills but my brain does not supporting me. i don't know, i wish i have a brain like Mr. Boyfie. he's really good with his brain. i wonder, whether i will be able to be exactly like him. i ma frustrated with myself, kind off thinking that hey, why am i being so stupid these days? where the hell is my will power? where the hell is my brain? i wanted to be like in those days, where i have good brains, good deals in the future. oh God, please give me back my brainy. i wanted to make my parents proud of me. i feel sorry for Mr. Boyfie for having a stupid girlfriend like me =( sorry love, i am not like you who can get dean list twice. i tried but its just too hard for me to try and get good results :'( now, i am thinking i am no better than anyone else.
My Second Labor Story
Hi guys!!! My goddddd it has been ages since I last logged into this blog!
I'm not sure I should just delete this blog or still keep it! haha.. But I
6 years ago
6 thoughts of others:
cakap kat budak fizik r...ad bran?
kak ~
ure noT stupididow at alL aite ~
ur brain pon bkn useleSs aite ~
juZ ur talent iz in another field ~
huhu ~
pepepown ure not NOTHING.
atleast u got sumthing 2 b proud of instead of edu field.
huh !! jeLez dgn kerajinan u cuty sem ni !! hahaha ~
sengal sungguh kamu wahai myth =p
fara : kerajinan? hahahahha! tolong la sayang, akak tak cuti pun sem ni, tak rehat pun kat umah.. banyak kat um jek.. hmm, nasib baek la bf akak sibuk lagi kat um, if tak, memang takde sape la leh tolong akak =)
haha~~abis la tahun depan...
agak la babe.. hmm.. takpe2, u all pun akan rasa nanti, hahahhah! (ketawa jahat) =p
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