January 27, 2009

tagging by asyuadiah =)

Answer this bunch of question based on the opposite gender. no family members is allowed.

What is the relationship of you and him?

i'm single and available =)

Your 3 impressions towards him....

well, if u asked me about my 1st love, his:

1. the best guy ever in this world

2. understanding

3. responsible

The most memorable things he had done for you...

ehem.. he told me to get married with him in the future.. (blush**)

The most memorable things he have said to you...

"i love you my baby"..

If he becomes your enemy, the reason is...

maybe i had break his heart??

The most desirable thing to do on him is...

can i hug him??

The overall impression of him?

he's the best guy i ever met in this whole entire world =)

How do you think the people around you will feel about you?

that i like to cry, i'm such a drama queen and i love to laugh at the top pof my lung plus, i have a really bad temper =p

The character of you for yourself is...

i would see myself as manja, loves to bossy around (hehe!) and loves to sing and talked to my teddy bear..

The character you hate of yourself is...

bad temper and always mencarut =)

The most ideal person that you want to be is...

just being myself and not pretending to be like others.. hey, everyone is unique on their own way, right?

For the people who care about and like you, say something about them....

thank you for everything =) you guys means to me a lot (to those that care about me) and for those who like me, please, just give me a break! =p

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