i have tons of work to do.. festival seni has already started and to tell you the truth, it's not even havoc! i mean, no banners from other colleges (setakat 1-2 banner jek), then the audience pun tak ramai.. setakat ni, 12th college had already lead the event.. ok2 jela so far, just pergi sana nak enjoy jek =)
well, during the last post, i did mention about "him", rite? well, i had already met him several times now.. damn he's so cute! we've talked, congratulating each other. amazingly, there's a situation where i need his number to asked him something. then, since that day, we did sms few times (very few times). owh, i'm so excited! but hey, few days ago, when i was spoken to him, there's a girl coming right behind my back, looking at me and just went to him.. "must be his gf, i guess...." i was a bit sad, but i just ignored that feeling.. i mean, i already know (i think so) that he already (must be) have a gf.. last night, i did sms him to discuss about something then suddenly, he called me! pergh! sedap dangat2 suara dia, manja kot (don't get me wrong, his voice memang manja, dia ala2 metrosexual).. =) i was asleep and i woke up when he called me.. it so shocking! then he told me he was busy so he told me to discuss it later.
so, malam tadi sampai la sekarang ni tengah angau sikit pada dia.. tak tahu nape suka kat dia.. admire gak la, suka tengok muka dia, pastu tengok dia senyum.. cam sweet jek.. pastu kan, dia stylo sangat2.. tahu sekarang ni saja jek admire dia.. mungkin sekadar nak lupakan boy kejap kot.. tapi memang sekarang kurang sikit, mungkin sebab admire kat si dia ni.. sape nama dia? tak nak bitau =p tapi nama dia pun sedap sangat2.. tapi tahu, orang cam dia, mesti nak gf yang cantik, kulit putih, cun giler2.. compared to me, i'm just an average jek.. i jenis yang happy-go-lucky, a little bit cam budak2 and bukan jenis yang cun.. orang cakap i cute jek tapi i think biasa2 aje.. i like to dressup tapi jenis yg biasa2 aje..
wahai hati, sure dia dah de gf.. ramai kot girl suka kat dia.. takpe2, admire dari jauh pun ok pe =) hihihihI!
My Second Labor Story
Hi guys!!! My goddddd it has been ages since I last logged into this blog!
I'm not sure I should just delete this blog or still keep it! haha.. But I
6 years ago
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