July 3, 2009

last minute preparation..

hi blog! since my new semester is just around the corner, i have already bought several things for me to get back to UM. it requires lots of energy to do the shopping and lots of money while juggling with working at the same time. but i had already quit working at Kumon since yesterday. but i haven't got the chance to pack my super-a-lot-stuff yet! oh, i still have another 1 day to finish up packing things. since this upcoming semester marks my 3rd year of studying (it supposed to be my final year but since i changed my course, i will have to extend for another 1 semester), i will be busy working my ass off with thesis and studies. did i mentioned that all my friends did not get to stay in our college? it means that now i am ALONE!! seriously, eventhough i knew almost the majority of 2nd year students (yeah, i was just exaggerating it, ka-ching!), but i want my girls to be there with me too :'( wtf! i mean there are activite in every activities and hell, they have been kicked out from there. but fortunately, i am thankful too because i still got the chance to stay in college.

back to the topic. i bought several things that i think is necessary while i am in hostel. but these are just some of it, while other stuff such as all the baldi and bakul etc, i already have it. check it out!

flip-flops from tropicana girl, a new purse from the same brand,
shampoo and conditioner from sunsilk, hair serum from loreal,
2 selendang's (i am wearing tudung/selendang while in UM)
all the toiletries and bedaks etc.

some of the notebooks that i bought
for me to write all
the lecture notes if the lecturers di not
give us the photocopy ones.

a good pair of wedges (or flats but as you know me, i don't like wearing
flats because i feel so "pendek")

an over-sized bag that can match any clothes,
be it a baju kurung or even with jeans!
(tips 1# buy an over sized bag that is nice so that you can use it
not only to go to class but also when you go out for shopping!)

the wallet as i mentioned earlier.
it's my 2nd serious wallet

and now... i am officially b-r-o-k-e! isk2 :'(

2 thoughts of others:

Shopaholic said...

i love ur wedges!!!

sweet cheery pie said...

owh! tq dik! :)