December 14, 2009


terasa nak marah orang, ngee~

i just finished up writing 20 pages of literature review and have been compiling more than 50 references. its been a really tiring week. and yet, i still have to edit my literature review, haven't finalize it. regarding on my references, i still need to check out my format on writing those references. for the data, i have just finished up doing graphs but still, i need to check back my whole results.

finished talking about my endless work on thesis, i have already arrived back at Kajang this evening. i have been staying at syura's house for couple of days. Mr. Boyfie had helped me a lot regarding on my thesis. a bunch of thanks to you love for helping me out with these stuff. rasa dekat sangat dengan sayang, best :) sebab sayang sanggup temankan i ke sana ke mari and seeing you smile makes me feel like i own the world!

pape pun, this thursday, i will be going to Taman Alam, Kuala Selangor for another 4 days of fieldwork. this is my second site and i hope i will manage grab couple of people to follow me to this place. sape2 nak ikut inform me via sms please. bitau ASAP ok?

2 thoughts of others:

Myth said...

kalau ikut dapat pe?
sapa support?

sweet cheery pie said...

tempat tinggal n transport di sponsor.. makan je sendiri =) hihihihh! akan pergi lagi ke taman alam, jom la ikut sekali.. duk umah kuarters guru, so agak selesa.. jom2 ikut i.. nanti i belanja makan..