March 10, 2009

1 utama~

on last sunday, i went to one utama, hartamas and seksyen 14th (1 day in a row, pergh!).. it was really tiring. i watched slumdog millionaire and the story was superb. honestly, its been ages since the last time i ever saw a hindi movies. i really like the story line and i think its something new for the hindi movies. suatu anjakan paradigma bagi peminat cite hindi. pape pun, tahniah untuk cite ini since diorg menang 8 academy awards if i'm not mistaken (correct me if i'm wrong). and plus, saja je nak bitau yang i think i nampak makin kurus, happy nye! hahahah! so, tengok2 la yek my pictures kat atas ni =) these 2 girls are sayang and lana.. lana yang rambut ikat and sayang the other one. both from um gak, 1st time kami lepaks bersama =p tapi ok la, besh gak!

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